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JTR Speed Trim 100

JTR Speed Trim 100

Description: Pitch Trim System for single and two seater Motorized Hang Gliders

Principle: Trike Hinge Position Change

Maximum Operating Load: 18000 N (1800kg)

Maximum Trike Weight: 450kg

Maximum Load Factors: +4g -2g

Hinge Stroke: 60mm

Hinge Movement Speed: 2mm/s

Trim Drive: Electric Linear Actuator – Maximum Load 1600N, Stroke: 100mm / Gear Mechanism – Gear Ratio:  1:1,6

Material: Aviation Aluminium Alloy AW2017 , Stainless Steel , Strength 8G and 10G Fasteners

Dimensions: Length- 540mm , Width- 120mm , Height- 210mm

Weight: 6100g

Instalation Parameters: Maximum Diameter of the Wing Keel Tube – 60mm , Power Supply – 12V

Trim Control: Controller on the Glider Control Bar , Control Panel on the Hang Glider Dashboard, (Combination)

Trim Position Indication: Mechanical , Electronic (LED), (Combination) 

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